Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 The year of Games

I am going to try to post regularly about games we play because games are a great way to learn about many things. Today we played Rock On! for the first time. This is a hands on geology game with rock and mineral specimens, information cards and bingo like cards. This was our first time playing and we all enjoyed the game and learned some geology lingo.

Some other games we played recently were Red 7 and Category 5. Both are card games. Red 7 requires paying attention to multiple facets of the cards on your canvas and in your hand ie: color and number. Category 5 requires comparing numbers relative values so that you can play your cards in the appropriate place so as not to gain unwanted points. Mark payed this game Sunday with the girls and their friend James. Claire also played a game of chess with David at church last night.

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