Began the day with a game of store which involved the kids buying folded stacks of laundry and putting them away.
C did some copy work and caught a snail in the back yard. She also did Spanish on Duolinguo and Khan Academy math and played a poety game with E and I.
E did 3 pages of phonics while pretending to be a 20 year old college student. she also did a sentence making game and wrote sentence. E also did a reading lesson on the computer. C read some Calico Captive and Cinderella.
Later in the day E did a math game and addition page with numbers fro 20-900, the girls listened to some Robin Hood. I read some Egyptian Mythology to E. C read some Hobbit and a book about Hawaii. For PE we walked to the pocket park and played for about 45 mins. We had races on the way there. The girls drew the snail C found for nature study. Now we are going to read some Swiftly Tilting Planet.